Suicidal Creature

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There was no way out of this situation, i was looking around searching for help from the surrounding crowd, and suddenly I realized something that was really scary, the details of the creature coming towards me started to shine, he was huge with a scary scar on his face; The scar was very eye-catching, crossing the ghost man’s face from his right eye to the tip of the right side of his mouth, he is angry or at least that’s what i felt, am i the reason of this anger, is he looking for a fight of  angry flowing creatures, i was invisible in the last episode what is happening ?. No, he is looking with hate to everyone around him, but he is calm and confident. He started to shout with something that I couldn’t realize, then he pushed a button by the side of his belt, his eyes are glowing and a happy smile appeared on the rough face, he blew himself up, suddenly the vision blew and dissolved just like the blown suicidal creature. I’m falling rotating inside a black hole. and i remembered those holes I watched before in the time travelling and magic movies.


I’m not in the jammed blown street anymore and I’m still with those hallucinations, which looks real, I don’t think that these are just hallucinations, I’m feeling like I’m really living through this; i’m conscious, I can feel everything, see everything, I can use my senses, I’m stuck in an alternative parallel realistic world, or between reality and fantasy, what is this dark room, am i dead?. I’m flowing with the visions and the hallucinations until I figure out what am i doing in the same dark room i started with before the time travelling or the lucid dreaming i just passed through. I started to look at the wall behind me turning around to face another black wall, i felt that i got used to the darkroom but i remembered the ray of light, I started to feel safe. the room was empty and the ray was cutting the room towards my heart, unconsciously; I started to follow the ray gently hitting my heart, I looked through an opening; a circular one, and I found something I never thought about searching for it in this scary place, where deep fears are eating me in this black time travelling room of secrets.


I FOUND THE MOON; the same moon i knew since i was a young kid, the one i stared at for years, I felt that i found a member of the family or a friend, it symbolized hope to me, and for the first time i found myself talking in the darkroom, i felt conscious; so i started to talk to the moon. it was glamorous with the stars shinning around him, with a lake reflecting the sparkling stars on the surface, keeping the eternal secrets deep inside, with a mountain in the back holding the whole scene together with power and glory. But i know this picture; it is something from my past, a shot i perceived before. Am i getting snippets from my real life?


I started talking to the moon, asking questions without getting any reply, what is this dark room, the jammed street, the creature and now this picture-perfect moon, all these meaningless thoughts and weird hallucinations, getting introduced to a new state of existence, I decided to put the option of being asleep and i’m just living a dream in my head regarding all the sudden episodes of vision. My higher self is sending me a message and i must get it right; no regrets. But i need to get myself out of this dark bubble, staying locked inside myself is a nightmare. I’m not sleeping; i tried to wake myself up, everything is showing me the opposite. I’m awake I feel everything; with conscious and  i’m using my senses, but I just can’t get replies. All my screams are going unheard.

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